Wednesday, November 17, 2010


About 4 years ago I started getting sinus infections. I would be congested for a while and when it wouldn't go away, I'd see the doctor and get some antibiotics. A few months later, I'd be congested again and so on. I struggled with it for a few years and even went to the dentist one time, convinced I needed a root canal in any or all of my upper teeth to be told I had a sinus infection. Two years ago I was in England and helping my Mum to go through some of my Dad's things, to determine what could be donated, kept, thrown away. On the plane out I had experienced severe pain on the ascent and descent of the plane. It literally felt like my head was going to explode. I cried. In amongst my Dad's things I found a nasal spray that Dad had used for years to prevent something called nasal polyps that he had had removed several times. On a hunch, (and using someone else's prescriptions is not something I advocate) I used it for the remainder of my stay. I got total relief from all my symptoms. On the plane ride home, I felt no pain whatsoever. Needless to say, I returned to my doctor who prescribed me the spray and I have never been without it since. Well while my Mum and Sister were visiting in September, the nasal congestion came back with a vengeance. I upped my spray usage and it appeared to go away. A few weeks have gone by since then and I have been regularly using my prescription which has prevented congestion. But about a week ago I began to get pain along my jaw. Pretty bad pain that has kept me up at night. I thought that the gap between two of my upper molars was wider than usual and since the pain seemed to be worse on that side I assumed I had broken a tooth or needed some pretty extensive dental work.
Going to the dentist causes me to break into a cold sweat. I'm not exaggerating when I say I would ALMOST rather go through labor again than be worked on at the dentist so you can believe me when I say I did not make the appointment with my dentist without a LOT of inner dialogue with myself and several days of prevarication. It was my imagination etc.....
Well at the dentist today, following an xray, teeth tapping, teeth poking, prodding, air being blown liberally around we came to the conclusion that it is another sinus infection. So I'm back with my good old friend amoxicillin feeling really rubbish, a bit embarrased and a little depressed. Ongoing health problems are just no fun. Whatever way you look at it, facing a lifetime of treatment for anything is no joke. But that being said, I have so much to be thankful for.

1. I am thankful that I didn't have to have any kind of dental procedure done today. The cost of dental work is frightening enough but the way I feel in the chair is indescribable.

2. I am thankful for antibiotics. If I have to go through another week of feeling as if Santa's elves decided that the inside of my head would make a great workshop this year, I am going to go crazy.

3. I am thankful for a small understanding of what my Dad endured each and every day of his adult life. Sinus problems barely scratch the surface of the health problems my Dad had to face yet he faced them with courage.

4. I am thankful for friends who'll come over at a moment's notice to lend a helping hand when needed. What would we do without them?

5. I am thankful that Gary's work schedule allows for juggling. When you have small children, a fixed schedule could be tricky. If I need Gary to take a few hours off at a certain time he can make up for it during the rest of the week.

1 comment:

Mamapierce said...

SO SORRY about the sinus infections. Tyler started getting them in high school and would be on antibiotics for months without any improvement. After he and I were married, he got one on our honeymoon. (Nice, right?!) Once we came back, we got him some herbs and it cleared up in a day and a half! If you're interested, I can tell you some herbs that help. Now, whenever he feels a sinus infection coming on, he takes the herbs and it's gone in a day. Amazing!