Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

So I had to open my big mouth and blog about how thankful I was that Oliver hadn't gotten sick exactly three hours before he woke up covered in vomit. He then proceeded to unload every 20 minutes or so until about midnight when even though he was dry heaving we had to put him back to bed as we were all exhausted. And then Leia came upstairs feeling very panicked about something she couldn't articulate very well. After two unsuccessful attempts to get her to go to sleep in her bed she came to bed with us. This is something that has only happened one or two times in her 9 years of life so I knew she wasn't happy. She fell asleep in our bed and Gary was able to transfer her to her bed eventually. I think it was just a symptom of a weakened state from not eating yesterday. Today Oliver puked several times and Leia ate very little. Gary and I are tired. We are hoping for a decent night's sleep tonight. Gary has the boys all day while Leia and I are doing a little Christmas Shopping (after 9am of course) and going to watch Tangled.
Happy Thanksgiving to us!
But the day has actually been lovely. We feasted and played games and watched Christmas Movies.

1. I am thankful that Oliver is sleeping peacefully now. I will be even more thankful if he keeps down the 2oz of formula I coaxed hom to drink after he threw up the last time.

2. I am thankful for a husband who is happy to spend time with three small boys so I can take Leia out shopping tomorrow.

3. I am thankful for my beautiful family and holidays spent together. Of course I love to see my extended family but a day spent with Gary and the kids is enough and more for me. Hearing them laugh during Home Alone gives me a huge sense of peace and contentment. They are appreciative of my efforts to make the holidays special and they are a lot of fun to be around.

4. I am thankful for my home. Renting for two years recently was fine but not the same as living in a house that is yours. It's easy to take it for granted as we did during the 8 years we lived in houses we bought. I am really enjoying living in a house that's ours again. It's a big blessing.

5. I am thankful the kids have so far kept to the morning behaviour contract. Much less bickering has been the welcome result.

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