Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The election is over!

Today I have been watching the midterm elections unfold. I find it all to be somewhat obscene. The endless advertisements telling half truths, twisting things people say, preying on the uninformed and people's emotions. And the fact that it all costs millions of dollars while the number of families living below the poverty line in this country also reaches into the millions upsets me. I believe in Democracy, yet somewhere I think we have strayed. Can the important issues facing our country be solved when to each political party, the opposition is an enemy to be fought, with as much wealth and power as can be obtained? Is the word coalition something that will ever be a part of politics here?

1. I am thankful that the election is over. The advertisements have intruded into our lives for weeks now and I don't know how to answer the questions my children have about the character assassination that has characterized them.

2. I am thankful for Democracy. Even though I've said what I have, we have the freedom to cast our vote in peace and in full confidence that our voice has been heard.

3. I am thankful for a place where I can buy a few little English items that make some of my favorite Christmas traditions possible.

4. I am thankful for the anticipation that November and December bring. It means looking forward to gathering around the fire, planning surprises, cooking for and taking care of those I love, music, laughter, games, etc... It's my absolute favorite time of year despite the cliche.

5. I am thankful that I have a husband who has done college level math to help the children when they can't understand their math homework. While I could still complete their homework easily myself I have no idea how to explain the methods in a way that makes sense to them. Without him I'd be at sea.


rosiemint said...

Loving the idea of a month of thanksgiving :)
I think that maybe one thing you should be thankful for is that coalition is not a part of your political landscape - it's really not working out so well here :(
I am thankful for friends like you :)

Colleen said...

AMEN and well said. I am so glad the commercials are gone. I feel like our country has gone a little nutso. Where is moderation? Where is compromise? Where is patience? Thank goodness it's over, until next voting season that is. But thank you for the reminder to think of all the great things in life, even when I am surrounded by external annoyances.