Monday, January 5, 2009


1. Post rules on your Blog
2. Answer the 6 "8" Items
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.

8 Favorite Shows

Dancing with the Stars
Masterpiece Classic
The Biggest Loser
Hardball with Chris Matthews
World News Tonight with Charlie Gibson

8 Things I Did Yesterday

Made Loaded Baked Potato Soup
Bore my testimony in church
Wore hot high heeled boots (hehe)
Read "Comforts of a Muddy Saturday" by Alexander McCall Smith
Played Peggle
Had a webcam chat with my Mom and sister
Saw the cutest nephew in the world walking with a walker
Ate chocolate

8 Things I Look Forward To

Seeing my Dad again
Selling our house in Ohio
Raising my family
Upcoming visits with family - on Leia's baptism and England in the summer
Sleeping in
Reading great books
Peace and quiet
Dates with Gary

8 Favorite Restaurants

The Old Ram
The Chip Inn
Olive Garden
Red Robin
The Ultimate Buffet in Colorado Springs
A Taste of India
Taco Bell

8 Things on My Wish List

That I don't have any sinus problems
A library
Nikon D300
To live close to my family
To travel with my husband
To sell our house in Ohio so we can buy one here in Colorado
The continued health and happiness of my family
A BIG tax refund

8 People to Tag

I don't normally do tag things so I couldn't expect anyone else to do it. But if you want to I will be pleased to read it. I found this really hard to do. Especially the wish list. I guess that means I'm a happy sort of person. :)

1 comment:

Mamapierce said...

Would you mind sharing your recipe for Loaded Baked Potato Soup? Thank you very much!