Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dog dilemma.

Lately the kids have become fixated on the idea of getting a dog. Gary secretly wants one too and so I am currently an island. It's hard. Last night I tried to put to rest the idea once and for all and had to deal with a near hysterical Leia whose friend a few doors down is about to get one. Unfortunately Leia has no understanding of what it means to take care of three small and extremely lively children. Her friend is an only child and also 8 years old. Their home has at least 1000 square feet more space than ours. When I compared our situations it had little effect as you can imagine. Thankfully she became distracted but this morning I had a letter waiting for me which I'll transcribe for you.

Contract for a dog

- clean dog
- feed dog
- brush dog fur
- walk dog
- pick up poo

I will do these things
Talk to me after school
I can't live without a dog

It also came with a lovely picture of herself crying, with speech bubbles containing the words "waaa, no dog".

There is no way on this earth Leia would get up and take a dog outside at 5am should it want to. And of course it completely escapes her that dog food costs money as well as insurance for vet fees. I ALMOST would like to get her her own little toy dog like a Yorkie but you can't take a tiny yorkie hiking or anything. What's the fun of a dog if you can't even take it outside and throw a stick for it and watch it enjoying itself?
Nope. The cause is truly lost and Gary knows better than to push the issue. I would truly lose my sanity if I now had to train a slobbery smelly animal after my youngest child has just learned to use the bathroom day AND night. 7 years of diapers felt like a very long time. I'm just a realist and our experience of owning a dog (before kids) has left a searing impression on my mind.

Also, this afternoon I was loading the boys into the car to drive Spencer to school. Spencer and Nathan had this conversation.

Nathan: Where are we going?
Spencer: What do you mean, where are we going? Can't you see what I'm wearing?
(meaning his backpack)
Nathan: School
Spencer just then gave Nathan a "duh" look.

How soon they learn to be unpleasant and sarcastic!


Mamapierce said...

We, too, thought about getting a dog. Before Maggie, I didn't think I could love a dog. And now I love her so much. If you're able to get a doggie door - it'll make that potty training much easier. I'm sure it's frustrating, though, to be the ONLY person who's against it. Remember that your feelings are valid, too, and that you'll be the person ultimately taking care of it. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I'd negotiate and find a deal, which is favourable to me.

I think dogs are for the over Xs (substitute current_age + n).

Here's a garden frog in an aquarium. Look after it for 6 weeks.

"Yes, it's gross, but so is dog poo".

Here's a hamster, if it lives, you can have a dog when you're 10".

My parents got me a stick insect.

These days, I'd never want a dog in my house either. We're cat worshippers.


Anonymous said...

Hee hee! We've still been debating on whether or not to get a dog...and now it'll come down to if it's within the rules of our contract wherever we end up renting. Have you checked or do you know if you're allowed to even keep a dog in the house you're renting? That may be a good scape goat if it's against the rules....just a thought!

I think it's only reasonable to ask the children to take care of something smaller such as a fish or triarium pet and do so successfully and responsibly in order to gain some experience that will qualify them for the task of caring for a dog.

Maybe Leia could help her friend care for the dog and pick up the poo for a week. Maybe she'll change her mind?

nicole said...

I'm in the same boat! I'm the only one against getting a dog... Jon is pushing for it, and so are all the kids of course. But my comprimise was that as long as I have diapers to change, we're not getting one. I WILL NOT be responsible for any more poo than I have to be. Shoot, I guess I only have another year before Jacob will be potty-trained... hmm... better have another baby!!
Good luck with your decision!

Rachel said...

Stay strong. Believe me, dealing with the kids wanting a dog is a lot easier than actually having one.