Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Art Contest

Yesterday when Leia got home from school, she was so excited. She has won the first round of an art contest. I don't know much about the contest but she had to draw a bird or something. She also mentioned there was a tree in the picture. Anyway, Leia was acting like it was Christmas. "This is my first trophy ever", she kept saying. She has wanted to "win" something for a long time. It makes me wonder where the competitive spirit comes from. I know I always wanted to do well in school and I held myself to a high standard but I've never been big into competing. A while ago she asked me about gymnastics because she wanted to win a trophy. This has definitely satisfied an urge she has had. And now the picture is going to be displayed from April - June at Aullwood Audubon Center wherever that may be. One thing is for sure and that is that both Gary and I are creative types so the art part is no surprise to me!
Well done Leia!


Mamapierce said...

Congratulations Leia! :o)

jennifer said...

Way to go Leia!
Can you post a picture of her award-winning art?

Saquel25 said...

Unfortunately the picture in question has been sent to the exhibition. If you so desire you can go and view it next month for $4 entrance to the center. I've never heard of it?