Monday, October 8, 2007

Light Car

On Saturday we stopped by Lowes for a very boring item and found instead an exteremely interesting item for a bargain price. We snapped it up and brought it home. What could it be????, I hear you all ask. Well it is a hanging light fixture made of frosted glass and it is a formula one racing car. It was $20 in the clearance sale. Earlier on when I first painted Spencer's room, I wanted to buy a simliar light fixture in the shape of an airplane but these novelty fixtures are very expensive. The plane one was around $160. So we couldn't believe it when we saw this one for $20. Yippeeeee!

As you can imagine Spencer is thrilled with it and today he has told no less than 5 virtual strangers that he has a Light Car. Mostly the reponse has been. "Huh??"

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