Now I may not have a husband that looks like Colin Firth (he's in my head naturally because he won an oscar for a fabulous performance in a fabulous film last night) but I have certainly won the husband lottery. This morning I got up and went to get Oliver from his crib. He had been given a bottle, had a clean diaper and smelled like my husband's cologne. It made me smile all over and inside to imagine Gary kissing and cuddling Oliver before he went to work and then changing him and feeding him. Gary is one of a kind and I'm not saying that just because most women when pressed will say their husband's great. He truly knows what life is about and it's rare, and he's mine.
Today I decided that 13 months is old enough to introduce the word no to my son. I've always thought that the way babies discover the world through their mouths is so cute and amazing but not when they are about to insert the sponge you just used to clean the bathroom into their mouth. I saw this from a short distance and was worried that I wouldn't reach him in time so I issued a stern "NO". He jumped out of his skin and his bottom lip began to tremble but he dropped the sponge like it was diseased which it very well could have been. I felt kind of bad but a reassuring cuddle banished the moment from his little mind and the sponge was locked under my sink. Result!
And here is a picture I discovered on Leia's camera. I check it from time to time. I think all my kids have a unique perspective of each other and I think this face from Oliver may have been something only she could get out of him.