2. I am thankful that each morning I am greeted by this gorgeous face. How could I ever be in a bad mood?
3. I am thankful that although Oliver is cutting two more teeth to add to the six he already possesses at only 9 months, he goes through this process like a champ. If it weren't for a diaper rash (which in all honesty I can only guess is related to teething) I would hardly be able to tell.
4. I am thankful that Gary is willing to get up and give Oliver his early morning bottle. I hate getting up in the mornings and even though I have to get up an hour later to get the other kids ready for school, Gary usually settles Oliver down for me so that I can get that done without the pressure of a hungry screaming baby.
Oliver is just beautiful! Is it ok to say that about a little boy? :)
so sweet
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