Three weeks of exhausting, smelly, noisy, craziness has finally come to an end. It was also one of the best times of my life as it always is when my Mum and Sister come to visit. They left yesterday and I've felt a little hollow. I've exchanged a lot of noise and tiredness plus three lots of stinky diapers for a much quieter and more organized house but somehow I think I'd exchange it back again for another squeeze of my niece Cate's cheeks or to hear my nephew Max say "Sawah". Going out to lunch with Mum and Rachel wasn't so bad either. My waistline might not agree but worrying about such pedestrian concerns is not high on our list of priorities when we get together! Here's a little of what went on.
I love to see my dinner table surrounded by my family. Around it AND on top as you can see. Oliver doesn't like to be ignored even if he's already had his dinner.

Cate enjoying the water table.

Look at these two characters in a shopping cart. It was all good fun for oh, say 2 minutes!

Mum took this picture of Spencer in Manitou Springs. She has a knack for catching the kids "au naturel" you might call it. Whenever my camera gets turned on, the cheesy smiles get turned on too.

We drove up Pikes Peak. That was a wonderful day to include a picnic, unparalleled views, and small children running around at the edges of precipices!
Grandma Shirley having fun with the newest additions to her brood.
Auntie Rachel made each of the kids a darling apron with their initials on. It instantly made them chefs in training. Maybe I can convince them to don them for some house cleaning as well....
A game of horsey always goes down well with the rabble!

We did quite a bit of this in the evenings. With six kids to field, can you blame us?
This boy has a special place in my heart. He wasn't so sure about his Auntie Sarah this visit, requiring a TINY bit of persuasion for a hug and a kiss. However, he was decidedly less reticent when he realized I had control of the DVD player in the car.


Another special place in my heart opened up for my new gal pal Cate. She's pretty cool.

An attempt at a group shot. Not exactly successful. At the ripe old age of 7 months, grass is simply FASCINATING.

Every time we'd lose sight of Cate we'd find her looking at herself in my mirror. I can't blame her. I spent most of the visit staring at those dimples.
Cate was very fond of her Auntie. SQUISH!

One day we went to the Mall and discovered that you can go in a hurricane simulator for the bargain price of $2. Who thinks up this stuff?

Oliver's first taste of ice cream. You would have thought it was extremely cold or something.

This picture is completely illustrative of Oliver and Cate's relationship. Much as I'm loathe to admit it, she could take him any day of the week.
Finally got a picture where you can see all their faces. Aren't they a good looking bunch?
We're hoping to do this again, with all the kids next June. I can hardly wait!
Oh - what a great visit! All of the kids are such cutie pies!
What a fabulous visit you must have had! How is your mum doing? I didn't hear much about her in this post. I hope that she is doing well. :D
I love Spencer's expression in the last picture - classic. :D
Family is so amazing. I am glad you got such a great long visit with your favorite people. And yes, those kids are SO adorable! Good thing you've already got June to look forward to, that always makes saying goodbye just a wee bit easier.
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