Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prospect Lake

Today we went to Prospect Lake which is in a park a couple of miles from downtown. It was so great. We had a picnic on the grass next to the lake and then walked the circumference of the lake, stopping to play on some of the equipment. But there were some disappointments. On the edge of the Lake was a sweet little beach house and a place where you used to be able to rent a paddle boat or something similar and go out on the lake. Both the maintained stretch of beach where you could go swimming and then rinse off in the little beach house, and the boat house, and the toilets were closed indefinitely due to city budget restrictions. Since moving here I've really fallen in love with Colorado Springs and I was saying to Gary on our walk that I really feel settled here and that this is our home. And it REALLY annoys me when people vote down levy after levy and prevent these wonderful community parks from being able to be properly maintained and run. I wish sometimes that people would research things themselves instead of thinking automatically that Taxes = bad/big government/loss of freedom/communism/the end of the world as we know it.

But aside from my momentary irritation, we had a lovely time together as a family. The kids chased the ducks and geese, collected their feathers and paddled in the water and ran on the sandy parts. I can see a trip there when family comes to see us in a few weeks and I just felt thankful. Thankful that such a beautiful city is my home and that despite recent upheavals we made it through with small scars only. Pikes Peak is always right outside my front door and whenever I need a small piece of it it's mine for the taking.

Chasing geese. Something that is so irresistible to children.

A view

This perspective makes Oliver look huge.

Searching for treasure.


Mommo said...

There is nothing like the splendor of mountains to be reminded of God. I really miss living near them. Lucky you!

Rachel said...

Looks beautiful. Definitely would love to go there when we come - max LOVES chasing birds, ducks, geese - anything really!x

nicole said...
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nicole said...

Looks like such a fun family outing! Reminds me of when we went geocaching together... except between both of us, I think we we've had 3 more kids since then. Now it's such an ordeal to go out anywhere! Do you guys still go geocaching?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Sarah you are a riot! Now that you know how to get Gary to do whatever you want, there'll be no stoppin ya! But, I am pretty impressed--10 minutes is amazing!