Summer started early in the Asp house. Spencer finished pre-school last week and so he has been expecting to be amused this week in the usual summer ways - swimming, picnics, bike riding, and all that kind of thing. I'm tired!

Today at the pool. Nathan is wearing his coastguard approved *nudge nudge wink wink * swimming suit and Spencer is wearing his expensive prescription goggles which the ophthalmologist convinced Gary that Spencer couldn't swim without. Why didn't I take him to his appointment that day?

Me with my impossibly good natured boy

Feeding the cow some grass which she has plenty of on her side of the fence but must just taste better if it's offered to you by the eager little hands of 5 and 3 year old boys

Me again. At least there's that gorgeous tow head to look at instead. He's sporting brand new glasses which are exactly the same as his last pair but without the scratches and snapped screw. Pity they cost the same as well!
Those cute boys sure have one hot mama! :o)
Oh what do you do in the summertime when all the world is you swim in a pool and look really cool sporting your go-og-gles!! So they were expensive, poor Gary has a heart of gold for his kids, even if his wallet may not! ;)
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