After Spencer got his birthday present we went to the park to have a bike ride. Unfortunately we were thwarted by bad weather and a pedal that kept coming off. In the end we had to abandon the expedition. But here are the boys full of enthusiasm at the beginning of the day. On another note, Spencer wore his new helmet nearly all day - even when we went to Walmart! If there's no bike riding then at least you can rock the helmet right?

Spencer on his new bike.

Nathan learning to ride Spencer's old bike

Blowing out candles

Eating cake while Daddy assembles Spencer's new legos

The finished product. If that stays assembled for more than 24 hours I'll eat my hat!
Wow, it's hard to believe that your son is 5 years old!! How did that happen?
How funny! You crack me up! I love that he wore his helmet in the store. He really is such an adorable and well-behaved boy. Happy birthday Spencer!!
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