Well we've been experiencing the better times for a few years now but a lot of things have gotten in the way. Two more crazies showed up and there has been pre-school to pay for, minivans to buy, vacations to go on, and all of those things. I must also admit to being a little hesitant to jump back in the saddle. We now have three little people to support and keep safe as well as the fact that every Harley rider I meet has a certain image which is nothing like Gary or I. However, I recently made Gary significantly increase his life insurance which has helped my anxiety a little, and he has also tried to convince me that clean shaven men in business suits also ride Harleys. Where these people are is beyond me! I think I've resigned myself to the fact that eventually Gary may end up looking like a member of ZZ top!
So a shiny new bike is now in the garage. It is another sportster but bigger with a Black Cherry Pearl finish. When it arrived this morning, the children were so excited and this is one of the things that I am apprehensive over. I don't want them getting burned by hot pipes or nagging me endlessly for rides. Of course you know it will be me they'll beg and not Daddy. He'll just refer them to me.
But you know I am actually quite excited about it too. Gary took me for a ride around the block and it just brought back a rush of very good memories. Sitting there behind my man with the wind in my face. I even have a very cute helmet picked out. It's a 3/4 style in white with flowers on it. I debated with myself between that one and another one in hot pink. It's been an extremely tough decision. But that's life when you have a biker for a hubby. Now I am on the lookout for the perfect leather jacket. I'm not fond of leather it has to be said so it's going to take a very special jacket to capture my heart. Of course I documented the event in pictures for your viewing pleasure.

The kids couldn't wait to get on it. Here they are before we even unloaded it

Unloading it to a captive audience

This is one VERY excited Gary

This is Nathan's face as Gary drove off on the bike. The bike is extremely loud and in his little three year old head, I think he thought Daddy was being kidnapped by a big bad monster or maybe that he was leaving us all in the dust!

Watching for Daddy to return. You could seriously hear the engine even though he was several streets over. Bring on being woken at 6.30am by that sucker!

Here's a close-up.
BEAUTIFUL!!! I have been trying to convince my dear wife for years that I "need" one, but to no avail. I guess we "need" food and a house and clothes more. I don't know who set those priorities. Oh well. Congrats.
Wow, how did this happen??? It sounds romantic with you & Gary riding around the block together...especially since that's what you used to do when you were first married...zztop! Hilarious! :o)
Wow! How exciting for you guys! You have to make sure Gary rides it to our place in his suit and tie when he comes home teaching. Jon will definitely get a kick out of that! Congratulations!
I love my hog!
Oh, Bruce is going to be so jealous! He had a motorcycle for about 2 or 3 years. I also enjoyed going with him. We had 2 of our little ones, so it was only date times that I rode with him. Lots of fun and memories. My dad also rides a motorcycle. He loves touring the country and has some great stories. Have fun!
Vroom vroom! ;)
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