As church was cancelled today, we decided to have church at home. You would have thought that we had suggested going to a theme park or something. The kids were so excited. We all got dressed in our Sunday best and headed into the library. I had some prelude music on. We sang three primary songs, Leia read us some scriptures and gave her testimony which she had prepared last night in bed, Daddy gave us a talk and both Leia and Spencer said one prayer each. Then we headed out to the table to do a coloring sheet and a craft that I had prepared. The whole thing was a raging success. And it was better than a treat!

Here are my favorite people all dressed up with nowhere to go. Daddy let the boys wear one of his ties. What fun!

Nathan proudly displaying his coloring sheet

The craft we made. It is two children standing in front of a silhouette of Jesus to remind them to act in the way they would if Jesus were standing next to them all the time.
Sounds like a great meeting! We had "church" on keeping the Sabbath Day went well - but I think Anna needed some kind of activity to keep her attention! :o)
You are so awesome! Our day was nothing like that. We had family come over. Which is still a good thing to do on the Sabbath. Kyleigh had a lesson she really wanted to share from the friend. But her siblings and cousins just weren't interested. She was pretty bummed. I think she'll be giving the FHE lesson tonight.
You guys are so cute! I love the ties on Spencer and Nathan... what a great memory for your family. :)
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