Spencer is such an interesting little chap. He's quiet, yet he lets you know when he's not happy about something. He's so sweet and vulnerable, yet extremely confident. He's so so skinny but eats second and third helpings at dinner. He struggled to read during Kindergarten and then a few months into 1st grade, it just clicked and now he reads everything. He's so creative. He's loving. He wears his Daddy's cologne and tells me I look nice. And he has ZERO dress sense.

He has gone to school the last two days in this ensemble. He has this obsession with belts and wears this one frequently. The trouble is that he is so slight. Thankfully today he did not wear socks pulled up to his knees, something else he inexplicably favors.
What can I do about this boy?

Bless his heart, the belt makes the material bunch. It makes him look even skinnier if that's possible.
He told me today that he looks really cool. How can I convince this boy I love madly that in a few years he's going to get his butt kicked on the playground while helping him to maintain his self-esteem?
By the way all the clothes I buy him are current and stylish but the way he combines them, tucks things in, and incorporates accessories are what kills it.
SO FUNNY! I know EXACTLY what you mean. It's hard once they get older too, just like you said. You don't want to stifle their confidence, but the things they come up with...crazy!
What a sweet little guy. I heard a quote once that no matter how you raise your children, they still grow up to be themselves. :)
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