Leia decided to make truffles and her and I got to work. Then she packaged them up ready for the fair. She was responsible for keeping an account of what she sold and she had made signs to advertise her product.

Here she is packaging up her truffles. Two to a bag, one chocolate, one chocolate peppermint.

Here she is keeping careful account of her sales.

She just LOVED the whole experience.

The truffles were a huge hit. She had repeat customers and sold out very fast. She was so confident that she had prepared the "sold out" sign in case of this eventuality. But she didn't mind one bit as this left her plenty of time to go and spend the money she had made at the fair.
I'm very tired tonight. With trying to help Leia plan for the fair and all the end of term stuff that has been going on, I am so happy to sit here and veg. I really need some down time. I know I'll be ready for the kids to go back to school at the end of two weeks but Gary is taking some time off during the holiday and it will be wonderful to spend time with him and the kids and our Christmas traditions. It's going to be a lot of craziness and high spirits but a lot of laughter and fun also.
that sounds like a really fun experience. those truffles look amazing--no wonder they sold out.
Brilliant! I love that post - Leia is so grown up now - I wish I could have taken part in that experience with her! Miss you so flippin much!
Hee hee--I just love Leia! She is such a spunky thing. Knowing her mama's chocolate-making capabilities, I'm not surprised they sold out!
Ha ha! Trufls... that is so adorable. And I second Shannon's comment... although the truffles were a hit, maybe she could make brownies next year? ;)
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