1. I am thankful that Nathan would rather sit down and put together a jigsaw puzzle than watch TV. I have been guilty of using the TV as a babysitter so I can get things done and while he will happily watch Tom and Jerry or Spongebob, he'd much rather be doing something else. I am so looking forward to finding him a fun puzzle or two for Christmas. Today I found these Spongebob puzzles for just over $1. They were Halloween merchandise and were intended for handing out as Treats.

2. I am thankful for the simple joy of a tooth that under the pillow will bring Spencer some money to put toward a Transformer he's been saving for. When he came to me saying it was ready to come out, I gave it a wiggle and realized that it wasn't ready. He was not to be put off. He wanted that money. He convinced Daddy to get it out. He didn't flinch or cry or anything. Gary had to really put some elbow grease into it and he said he heard some snapping/popping sounds as it came out. I didn't witness the extraction if you're wondering. Maybe we have an entrepreneur in the family?
3. I am thankful that whenever Spencer prays he says "Please help Mommy's baby come out safely" and if one of the other kids is praying, he makes sure he stands next to them to whisper this line in their ear so they don't forget to say it. Underneath all the power struggles I've had with this stubborn little boy he is so sweet and loving. I can't wait to see him with his new brother.
4. I am thankful for Whole Foods. Not only do they sell fantastic fresh organic produce, they also sell Greek Style Yoghurt, something I haven't been able to find since leaving England. If you've never had Greek Style Yoghurt you need to try it. I'm on this probiotics mission right now as I tested positive for group B strep when pregnant with Nathan. I had to stay an extra day in the hospital and it was horrible. If I could leave hours after having the baby I would. I'm hoping against the evidence (my doctor said that eating yoghurt wouldn't make a difference) that regularly eating yoghurt will hopefully help me test negative this time. And since I'm not a huge yoghurt fan, at least not the flavored kind, I am grateful that I can get Greek Style yoghurt because I could eat it every day of the week. Also, I figured out that Nathan's missing jacket was lost when we were there last week and sure enough we were able to retrieve it when we went there today.
5. I am thankful for scheduled late starts for school. This morning I was just not ready to get up at 7am. The kids were quietly watching TV and the breeze coming through my window felt great. Tomorrow, I expect the kids will wake up and decide to have a disco downstairs but at least I won't have to rush around. Breakfast might even be pancakes if the kids are lucky!
I am enjoying reading the things you are grateful for - it is so important to be positive amidst trials and tribulations and with you being so far away it is great to hear the happiness you are experiencing right now. xx
oouuu there is nothing better than Greek yoghurt with a bit of honey.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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