or maybe a little like.......

That's right, Leia and I are soon to be outnumbered two to one!
I went to my ultrasound appointment this morning and it was so exciting. I'm only allowed one ultrasound during pregnancies so I hadn't even gotten to see a peanut yet. It's strange going all the way to 20 weeks before you get a peek. But the 20 week peek is so wonderful. You can pretty much see everything really well. The little heart got magnified and I could see all the four chambers and see it pumping away. Everything was measured from the brain to the femur. For the sex he wasn't being co-operative for a long time but she finally tracked down the evidence and said she was 100% sure. Can you be 100% from ultrasound? I have always taken it that way and bought gender specific things which is what I did after my appointment was over.
All the measurements were as expected, the placenta looks healthy, as does my fluid level. The doctor even said that since I have had three previous negative tests for gestational diabetes and I have no risk factors then we can go ahead and skip it this time around. SCORE! So we are on for February 4. It looks as though we are going to schedule an induction around a visit from my Mum. This will hopefully be the first time in four pregnancies that she can be around for the birth. I'm very happy about that. The kids won't have to stay with friends. (not that there's anything wrong with that but there's no one like Grandma!)
On a side note, my thumb didn't appear to be getting any better and it's been 6 days. It's been painful and irritated and I just felt that there was something not right. Originally I had decided to go without the antibiotics but after looking at it on Sunday I went to get them because it was not looking good. I decided to ask my OB about it. He said that it was not infected but that the stitches were so tight they were kind of sinking into the wound and preventing it from healing. He said they needed to come out straight away and did it right there for me to avoid another trip to Urgent Care. He's so great! Now they're out the relief is significant but I am a little annoyed as the scar is going to be quite big as a result. It hasn't knitted together at all well. But people are human and my skin was hard to sew. It's very thick!
Gary still has all the pictures from the scan so I'll post them separately later.
1 comment:
boys are so fun! and since you already know you make cute ones, yea for you guys. who is your ob? he sounds like a winner--stitches and all :)
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