And then this morning Spencer came rushing into my bedroom and said, "there's a big animal in the backyard and it looks like a deer."
Sure enough it was a deer, and quite a large one at that. The kids were so excited and offered various theories as to how it got there, the most popular being that it escaped from the zoo. But since that's about 15 miles away, I'm sure it probably lives in the grassland behind our neighborhood although I must admit I've never seen any roaming around out there. Spencer chased it for a while which it didn't appreciate and I found to be quite alarming. When it was jumping around out there next to little Spencer it looked quite strong. I don't think deer are aggressive but when one is cornered, you can't really predict the outcome. Eventually it wandered off.

And then it was time to go shopping for school supplies. My theory behind getting it done three weeks before school starts was to avoid the crowd. That horrible, claustrophobic, stuck between several carts, you can't even see what's on the shelf for the bodies kind of feeling. It gets hot and stressful especially when you're fielding excited kids who want to get their backpack and lunchbox when you're staring at the supply list incredulously because they want pink erasers and all you can find are bins stuffed with white ones.
Well the trip did not live up to my expectations. I totally forgot that another school district that borders ours starts school next week. All I can say at this point is that it's all been purchased including lunchboxes and recorders and has been divided up and stuffed into backpacks. Thank goodness I only have to do this once a year. Now my normal reaction after a shopping trip like this would be to break out the chocolate but right now it just doesn't sound good. I've hardly eaten a bite of chocolate these last few months. I've wanted cherries like nobody's business but I think the acid has been causing me heartburn at night which is when I really want to eat them. I expect I'll end up doing what I've been doing every night. I'll spend my time thinking about eating but not being able to decide on anything.
How nice to not have to leave your backyard to see deer! I haven't seen the newest HP - how was it? Miss you! xx
How ironic!! I think your strategy was pretty saavy, but too bad it didn't end up working out! We just finished our school supplies shopping trips and I can honestly say I empathize! What the? Legal size see-through folders with zip tops? Where do you even find that? My other must have,hard to find item were clip boards. Everyone was sold out!!
Sorry you can't enjoy the chocolate or cherries!! Bummer!
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