This morning, we were late for the school bus. We could see it in the distance with the doors closed as we approached and I was sure we had missed it. But as we arrived at the bus stop, the driver put on the flashing lights and out came the STOP sign as the doors opened for Leia. It was almost as if the driver was waiting for us. When does that ever happen? I took it as a sign for a good day ahead.
Sure enough the boys both have a low grade fever. Spencer's is 99.8 and Nathan's is 100.4. Nathan has a cough and Spencer seems to be developing one. I'm sure you're wondering why this makes for a good day. It just slows the pace and once in a while it can be a good thing. The doctor once told me that if the kids have a low grade fever due to something like a cold/unknown virus then you should just let it run. They are comfortable enough but it still keeps them on the couch all day. When you have two boys that basically spend the whole day running around the house making tons of noise, a day which they spend keeping still is a welcome relief. Particularly Nathan. He is actually laying down on the couch shock horror. (Just to allay fears, I do not want my children to be sick and would rather have them in perfect health, but this is the hand I've been dealt today and so I'm looking on the sunny side!)
So for today my plans are to scrapbook, take an uninterrupted shower, potter around the kitchen, mixed with a bit of solicitude for my less than 100% honeys.
I've been trying to take more pictures of the everyday and not just the notable occasions. Here are a couple.

Leia wants to do everything I do, including wrapping a towel around her head after a shower. It's fun sharing things with her although this particular practise, I worry, might just injure her neck! The other night we watched Dancing with the Stars together once the boys were in bed. I really enjoyed that. I'm looking ahead to the days when we can go to the pool in the evenings to swim a few laps and then go in the hot tub to discuss our days.

Nathan absolutely LOVES Tom and Jerry. It's a good afternoon when I am in the kitchen cooking or something and I can see and hear Nathan laughing his head off at the cartoon. It's not just giggles either, it's belly laughs. He truly has a thing for slapstick and that makes me very happy. It reminds me of Dad and his sense of humor. There was nothing Dad liked better than a bit of slapstick. From bad guys getting their due on Indiana Jones to Home Alone or Tom and Jerry, that kind of humor appealed to Dad. I can picture Dad and Nathan enjoying Tom and Jerry together.
And to top the day off, Gary and I are going out tonight. I am going to try and eat very little today so that I can order dessert after my meal. We are also planning a trip to Borders after dinner. Not something that would cause heart palpitations in very many but for me there is nothing better than buying new books that I really want to read. In fact all activity during the evening with Gary, knowing the kids are tucked up in bed is bliss. And if we get the opportunity to get out and about, all the better. Who knows, we may even go to the movie theater as well. Our babysitter has been saving up for an ipod touch over the past six months. Any teenager who watches children over an extended period of time to save up for something special deserves a few extra hours.
Wow. What a nice day - it's good to blog these kinds of days, too! Have a super day and a stellar evening with your hubby. :o)
I'm always one to be grateful for the low energy days, even if it does mean sick kids! ;)Nothing like seeing the silver lining. ;)
If you haven't seen "Bedtime Stories" with Adam Sandler yet it's a riot!! Very much a slapstick comedy!
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