Tonight Leia was involved in a performance of a musical program at school. They have been working on it for a while during music lessons and she was very excited. She did very well and I was very proud of her. Beforehand she was very fixated on the idea that the songs would make me cry. Apparently, her teacher had told them that the singing would make the parents cry. As I was getting her ready for bed when we got home, she asked very eagerly if I had cried during the singing. I am afraid I had to tell a little white lie. I mean, I'm British for goodness sake. I said that perhaps I had some tears in my eyes. Well Leia was jubilant. She jumped for joy. Why should my own child wish to reduce me to tears? She surely is an American child. I think I'm going to have to steer her away from all this touchy feely stuff! Forgive the quality of the pictures. They're not up to my usual standard due to the fact we were stuck in the very back

This was Leia's face when she first spotted us in the audience. She looked quite anxious until then.

Performing her heart out.


Spencer wanted a piece of gum. In exchange I asked him for a picture. He didn't quite smile but he at least looked in my direction. What am I going to do for his birthday photo shoot?
I love Leia soooo much, and she really takes after Gary!!
How cute is that. I won't tell Leia. By the way, Anna got her letter and was ECSTATIC to hear from Leia. :o)
What a sweetheart Leia is!
So since you're British does that mean you don't cry easily?
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