Spencer was very controlled on Christmas morning. He was beaming the whole time but he calmly opened his gifts and placed them carefully by his side.
Leia opening her Hannah Montana styling doll. She did a lot of screaming and jumping around as she opened her presents.
Nathan opening a Monster Truck. He was another enthusiastic present opener. But all in all we had three patient children. We took turns opening so we could see what everyone got and they even waited without complaint or nagging as the adults took their turns.
Leia and Nathan in their new clothes from Nan and Grandad Foster
Spencer in his new clothes also from Nan and Grandad Foster. He's such a handsome chap
Here we are in Garden of the Gods. I'm taking the picture of course!
One evening we found Nathan fast asleep in his Halloween costume. This would have been fine except he was wearing fleece pajamas underneath and the costume is made of Nylon.
On the Pikes Peak Cog Railway. It was fantastic and we loved every minute.
A view from the train. Those mountains in the distance are in New Mexico believe it or not. It was breathtaking.
We made a stop around 9000 feet to take a look around.
Leia with her bear Jessica, a gift from Grandma Joan.
If you can't tell, it was COLD up on the mountain.
Leia and Spencer in our new Papasan chair.
The crazies in their new Sunday clothes from Nan and Grandad Foster.
Here I am lecturing the children on proper behavior before went into the Manitou Cliff Dwelling museum.
I love History. This museum was so great.
This is where the Anasazi Native American Indians once lived. You can roam all over it and can touch anything. Amazing for kids.
A view of a two story, two family dwelling.
The kids thought it looked like a castle.
Christmas this year has been warm, cozy, filled with traditions, and thoroughly relaxing. Mum goes home tomorrow and we will miss her very much. But once again the memories will sustain me until the next time we meet.
Great post. Staples - whew! How scary! Love the new Christmas outfits for the kids! Your lecture - too cute. Sure miss you.
I loved those pics - so glad you had a fantastic time. Miss you all xx
Poor Spencer! Glad he's doing well, though.
What a fun Christmas you had! I'm glad your mom was able to be there with you.
Staples look even worse than stitches! I'm glad he's all right.
And I've tagged you on my blog! LOL
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