I also found out this morning that Mum is delayed for a day and so she won't be arriving in country until tomorrow. MASSIVE letdown. I discovered that the Dove bar consumed post phone call from Mum just wouldn't cut the disappointment. I just HAD to go to Old Navy. (By the way girls, they have this excellent sale going on there right now. Tons of stuff for 5-6 bucks and good stuff too. I got the boys a pair of pajamas each and Leia some workout pants for about $18 total.)
As I was driving down the road trying to ignore the fact that I am a complete victim of advertising - the ad for the sale has been on TV for the past 24 hours, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw that Nathan just looked awful. I asked him, "Does your eye hurt, Nathan?" He replied, "No. I fine. I fine Mommy." He simply melts my heart. And then he promptly fell asleep. And this kid NEVER falls asleep during the day. If you've ever seen Flubber with Robin Williams in it, this child is like a piece of Flubber. Bounce, bounce, bounce all day long.
So here I am back at home contemplating cleaning my bathrooms while Nathan is watching his favorite show, Tom and Jerry. To cheer myself up from missing Mum and having to prise open Nathan's eyelids and squirt gel inside while he screams I am going to have a present wrapping party tonight. And I might even watch a Christmas movie as well.

A present wrapping party? Ooh! I want to come, too! :o)
Oooo, sorry about the pink eye. I remember getting that as a kid one time - I woke up in the middle of the night and my eyes had crusted shut. I thought I had gone blind and panicked! It was scary.
Nothing like shopping therapy when you're down! ;)
We just had our share of that fun goo as well! What they heck, let's just add to the fun and pick up the flu too! Our poor kids have had a bad few weeks! But your Nathan just looks so beautiful and happy despite all that gunk! If I were there I would've loved to have gone shopping with! I'll say an extra prayer for your Mum!
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