This is one of my favorite shots of Leia. She is about 15 months old here. She was just an adorable little girly girl. It really seems like only yesterday.
And here she is today age 7 1/2. She told me that the photographer told her not to show all of her teeth only the front two when she smiled?? Her smile here looks hesitant and I feel like calling up the photographer and telling him/her that they're an idiot. But most of all, I was struck by just how much older she looks. There's barely a trace of that little baby girl left. It's sad but exciting at the same time. I just want to treasure every moment and not miss anything. Somehow, although I hardly noticed it, Leia is growing up.
She's beautiful.
We seem to have one or two in a growth spurt at all times...so I'm always cooking too much! Now I know how my Mom felt! ;)
It's always comforting to me to know that kids will eat when they need to.
Yeah the time flies by! I'm finally learning to treasure the time I have with my little ones. Tyler just got the priesthood last Sunday! I bawled as Jeremy ordained him. Sigh! My baby a young man now!
I think it's a sweet picture!
Strange comment from the photographer, though. Maybe he had too many kids giving him cheesy, toothy grins?
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