The words of my younger brother Simon have lifted me up and I want him to know I appreciate him and the wisdom beyond his years that he possesses.

Getting to spend some time with the jolliest most gorgeous baby in existence, my nephew Max.

Getting to go to London and see some sights I hadn't yet seen. The view from the Royal Observatory in Grenwich is pretty great if you ever get the opportunity.

The peace and tranquility of Colney Wood. A place that has found it's way to my heart.

Spending time with Mum and Rachel has been what we all needed. We had a fantastic day in Grenwich and an evening in the West End and China Town. But aside from that I was reminded of how lucky I am to have such amazing women for my mother and sister. I'll always admire my Mum for the qualities she has and I only hope I can be just a little bit like her. And I feel so blessed to have a sister who understands me like Rachel. We are like two peas in a pod (or a bag as Smithy would say!).

We are continuing to find so much joy in this new home of ours. This photo was taken by Gary in Garden of the Gods park.

The boys got their hair cut today. Don't they look handsome? I missed the kids so much while being in England. I'm sure they will get tired of my kisses in the days to come.
What an uplifting post! You're spiritual strength through this time of trial is such an inspiration to me. Love you!
I really am so sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine going through that. How wonderful to have the support of your family. I'm glad you got to go and be with them.
You're in my thoughts.
Colney Wood reminds me of the Sacred Grove in NY. It looks very peaceful. It's nice to see you blogging again. Love you lots.
I was so sorry to hear about your father. You've been in my thoughts since I found out. One of the many reasons I was sorry that you were moving was that I knew I wouldn't see your folks any more. They are sweet wonderful people; I'm grateful that we know that families are forever.
Just when you think you are done crying, something starts you off again - your post this time! But its OK, they are definitely tears of mixed emotions and I share all your sentiments. I am so glad to have you as my best friend and sister - the strength I fel from you even though you are thousands of miles away is amazing. I love you xx
I'm so glad you gals (and Simon)got to be together to laugh and cry and talk and to just get away together and have some fun to "forget" about reality. It's so important to have all of that. You are such an amazing person! Your testimony and ability to see the silver lining amidst the cloudiness say a lot about your spirit and strength to overcome. It'll always hurt, but you'll be able to really live, despite that. Miss you! xoxo
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