Have I ever mentioned how much FUN going grocery shopping with three children is?
Surely she jests, I hear you say. In fact if you had asked me on any other day, I would have been able to give you a big laundry list of the reasons why I hate it. Today I decided to devise some sort of game to enable me to keep my sanity during the trip to Wal-mart. After-all, I've got about 8-9 more weeks before school is back in. I told the kids that we would have code words for good and bad behavior. If I spotted bad behaviour I'd say the code word and the same if I spotted good behavior. Leia chose the code word for the good behavior - CLOWN. Spencer chose the word for bad behavior - POLICE. Needless to say, I got a few strange looks from people who were no doubt wondering why I kept yelling POLICE at least once down each aisle, but on the whole, the shopping trip was quite painless and Leia and Spencer wanted to outdo each other on the amount of times I said CLOWN to them. Any ideas for next week?
On another note, I am missing my sister already. I didn't think it would hit this soon since it was quite chaotic at times and I was looking forward to getting back to a bit of peace and quiet but nope. I wish she lived close and we could hang out all the time. All those of you out there who have this luxury are unbelievably lucky and I am envious. However I am done feeling sorry for myself and talking about myself, so here is a picture or two from the last two weeks.

Feeling hot and bothered at the Columbus zoo with Auntie Rachel

What a fun grocery game! We play the game that if Anna behaves well THE ENTIRE TIME, she can choose one healthy snack that I'll buy for her. It works like a charm.
I understand how much you miss your family...it's hard being so far away...
I am missing you already too - some say that being apart and saying goodbye gets easier over time - wrong! I am sure "sweet baby Mayax" is missing all the kisses and cuddles - there are only so many one person can give in a day, especially when they are very jet-lagged and have a sty in their right eye that stings like heck and means they can barely see. Boo hoo!
I agree! I need a sis or five to live in town...although I do have Debbie who may not be blood related, but I would claim her as mine! There is a difference though when you have so much history with the same people. They really "get" you, y'know! Now I'm the one to say boo hoo! ;)
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