Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Off to the Fire Station

I don't know what it is about my kids and getting notes sent home from school but it seems to happen to my children at least once a school year or more. On Monday, Spencer brought home a note which said he'd been given a yellow ticket for yelling in class. When he was warned a second time, he said "I don't care" which landed him a red ticket and the note home. I was always afraid of the authority figures whether my Sunday school teacher, school teacher, or whoever.

So Spencer and I had a chat. He has a field trip to the Fire Station in town on Friday so I explained to him that he needs to listen to his teacher always and never yell in class. I told him that he had to apologise to his teacher today and receive a spotless report from her in order to go to the fire station on Friday. Thankfully I was told he had been a "very good" boy today in school and he gave his teacher a very sincere apology this afternoon. It's so important to me that my children become (amongst other things) thoughtful, kind, sincere, and intelligent. Even though they make mis-steps, it is rewarding to guide them and make a difference for good in their lives. Now Spencer is excited for Friday and when he came home from school he was wearing a hat he had made especially for the occasion. It has a picture of a firefighter on the front and he was very proud of it. Of course I had to take a picture and what is a picture of Spencer without Nathan sticking his head in too!


Mamapierce said...

It's difficult when you hear that your child has been misbehaving...just another reason why being a mother is a humbling experience!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Only ONE note?! Angels you have! (Wanna trade?--j/k!)We also went to the fire station last week! It was great until J threw a fit for not getting to watch a safety movie...we went home instead!