Leia's first day of full time school was today. She was so excited and I was apprehensive. To think of her eating her lunch in the cafeteria with her little friends and not being at home! I knew she'd be exhausted and she was. When we picked her up she looked like she had spent the day hiking or something. She was all dusty and bedraggled but quite content with how her day had gone. She enjoyed lunchtime best, part of her three recesses. The school has recently got new playground equipment and she had enjoyed trying that out too.
It was strange having her gone all day but since she is so happy at school it leaves me free to really enjoy the time I now have to spend with the boys. To tell the truth I am really looking forward to devoting more of time to them. When you have three children so close together the second and third seem to get less of the attention. At least with Nathan, I had to give way more of my time to Leia and Spencer and he just kind of fell in line with them as he got older. Now it'll be me and them. I'll even have Nathan on his own for three afternoons a week starting in September when Spencer goes back to pre-school. I also anticipate the friendship between the boys getting stronger.
Sometimes you have to slow down a little and enjoy motherhood. I know I have been so busy over the past few years I have often forgotten to enjoy it. I hope this will be a time in my life when I can appreciate what I have.