Well this morning was kind of dreary. We had originally planned to get outside and find a hike to do but by 11am it was still cloudy and drizzling. So we came up with the idea of having Leia's birthday trip to the Mall today instead of Monday. Monday has several drawbacks. We'd likely miss the Dancing with the Stars finale and the kids have school the next day so staying out late isn't the best idea. Leia had no objections as you might imagine so off we went. First we stopped at Target to get a new game for her Didj (Thankyou very much to Grandma Joan and Grandpa Jim) and then we headed to Build-A-Bear. That place must be a gold mine. I wish I had thought of it! And then we went for the scariest but most anticipated stop. The Piercing Pagoda. Yes, Leia had her ears pierced. And she did fantastic. There were two assistants with two guns so the holes were done simultaneously for only one sting. It went a bit like this.
"Leia, can you spell CAT for me?"
"C - A - OUCH"
She didn't shed a tear although I could see she had to fight it for a few seconds. And then Leia decided she wanted to go to the Chinese Buffet for lunch/dinner. Normally we get asked how old the children are when we go in. I said 8, 6 and 4 instead of 7, 6, and 4. Leia was delighted that she gets to be 8 a couple of days early.
Now none of this means we won't have a mini shindig on Monday. I decided I couldn't stand another Walmart/Target cake with copious amounts of buttercream icing so this week I went to Baskin Robbins and ordered an icecream cake for her. It's actually quite sad how much I'm looking forward to having a piece. And of course there's the Dancing with the Stars finale which Leia and I will cuddle up on the couch for.
And we are in the home stretch before Mum, Rachel and Max arrive. All there is to say about that is that I am beyond excited. Anticipation is sweet!

How cute is this bunny? I had no idea you could get Sketchers for stuffed animals.

My soon to be 8 year old. I'm sure you can understand why I'm feeling a little old today!

One of Leia's newly pierced ears.