Items of note:
- Driving through Kansas which was mostly very flat and very uninhabited, we came across a wind farm that was absolutely huge. As the turbines came into view the boys were fascinated. Spencer asked us a question if you can believe it. He asked "Why are the windmills following us?" It was quite a job explaining that we were the ones that were moving and not the turbines. They were very majestic and imposing. I think the sight was a little intimidating to him.
- Also in Kansas we came across some more motorcycle riders who were anxious to condole with Gary as he was towing the bike rather than riding it. Whilst speaking with them we got invited to a church service on the top of Pikes Peak on Sunday which is the tallest mountain around here. It was quite tempting although we have our new ward to go to. It would be hard to fit all five of us on the bike seeing as it's also a biking thing. But many prophets of old climbed mountains to speak with God. I can see how it would be conducive to worship.
- During the final hour in the car the kids were at the end of their rope. The boys decided to take their sandals off and smell each other's feet while laughing hysterically. It kept them amused but the odor was enough to make Gary and I feel nauseauted. As you can imagine, we had more than one reason to be grateful we had finally arrived.
- Our hotel space for the next two weeks has a kitchen, living room and two bedrooms. The smallest bedroom is in a loft area with the bed pushed up against the 3 and a half foot wall. The boys immediately climbed on the bed and started hanging over the wall. I heard Spencer whisper to Nathan. "Hey Nathan, jump off." Since I'm not sure that Nathan isn't silly enough to think he could do it, and he hurls himself over a 14 foot drop and breaks his neck, we have taken the small bedroom upstairs and declared it out of bounds to the children. Spencer and Nathan are now enjoying use of the master suite with attached bathroom and closet. They better enjoy it while it lasts as they will soon be taking up residence in our new basement.
Here are a couple of pictures for your enjoyment.

A moment of peace

I had no idea Colorado was colorful?

This spectacular view was so much better in real life. The way the light was coming through the clouds and illuminating the mountains.
That's all for now.