Monday, May 28, 2007
It's so useful being a boy!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
More birthday fun

Yesterday was very exciting for the crazies. Firstly we went to the Airport to pick up Auntie Rachel and Uncle Ben who are staying with us for a couple of weeks. Then we came home to celebrate Leia's birthday. She has been glued to her new "video game" since she opened it. I was afraid this might happen but at least it is educational! Thanks to all those who sent cards and pressies. It was a very noisy afternoon/evening. More like Christmas than a birthday as Rachel and Ben brought something for everyone.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Second helping!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Father/Son campout

I have had two children with two very different emotions raging today. I told the kids this morning that Spencer was going on a Father/Son campout. As you can imagine Spencer has been uncontrollably excited all day even though he has never been camping before. He has been looking out for Daddy to come home virtually all day long and as soon as Gary walked through the door, he was ready to walk out of it with his backpack on. On the opposite end, Leia was absolutely devastated that she wasn't going to get to go and couldn't understand the concept of no girls allowed. I have had to promise her all sorts of stuff to pacify her such as sleeping in my bed with me, using her sleeping bag instead of her regular sheets, and staying up later than usual. I know she will be way too tired to stay up that long and will be bored when she has to watch the news with me. Hopefully she will discover that it is way to warm to be using her sleeping bag and I expect I'll move her back to her own bed as soon as she is asleep as I have been looking forward to a little more wiggle room than normal!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Birthday Bash

Well we certainly know how to throw a party in the Asp house! Complete with cool motorcycle cake, and balloons galore, this was the hottest ticket in our neighborhood last night. We started out with some presents and cards. Spencer got a remote control car, some dinosaurs with cool sound effects, a book, and a pair of shades. Then we had cake. Leia and Nathan took the party outside which unfortunately attracted some ants to the house! Well no party ever goes completely to plan!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
Special Treat

With Gary being off work, we decided to go geocaching today of course! Then we took the kids to Bob Evans for lunch which is a special treat we don't do very often. They were all smiles with their grilled cheese sandwiches, pancakes, syrup, and fruit. After lunch Nathan leaned his head on Daddy's arm as if to say "I love you". AAAhhhhhh
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Tub time

Bathtime at our house is often very eventful. Since Gary was busy with Leia I took the boys for their nightly ritual. Besides getting very wet I got to observe their love for each other and get a little glimpse of (hopefully) what their friendship will be like as they grow up together. Being a mother is so rewarding.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

This morning Leia was acting strange. She said she was cold and wanted to wear long sleeves even though it was 70 degrees outside. She cried when the boys bumped her or even looked in her direction. I was concerned she wasn't well but she was adamant that she felt fine as she huddled under my afghan! She was going on a field trip at school and couldn't wait to get there. When we picked her up after school, her teacher said she was out of breath and asking for water after only walking short distances during the field trip. Once we were home, I took her temperature and it was 101.2. I was angry at myself for letting her go and out of guilt I told her I'd pick her up whatever she wanted from the store. She asked for Lemonade???! I suppose the virus she had on Sunday isn't over yet. I wanted to take a picture of her flushed little face without her knowing (so she couldn't pose) and I managed one before Nathan stuck his head in the shot and said with the snot running down, "CHEEEEEEESE"!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Grandma's are GREAT!
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